
Saya kadang berpikir bahwa cinta yang paling naif adalah cinta orang tua kepada anaknya. Naif. Sangat naif sekali. Cinta yang tanpa me-rechek apakah anaknya pantas diberi cinta yang seperti itu. By that term (cinta yang seperti itu), I refer to a condition when the children lie to their parent, especially in money-matter and achievement-matter, then the parent plainly, strongly, naively, believe it and give a cup of shit matter that their children had asked. 

I did that. Err, I mean, always do that. And it gets me fed up everytime I find other children lie enormously to their parent and their parent, based on the that damn story, sacrifice so much, much, much, much, much, muchhhhhh, yet the children live happily without knowing the cost their parent paid. It sucks.